Back to my interview session.It was my 1st job interview since I joined MBF.The feeling was like,errmmm abit nerves plus scare plus speechless plus idea-less.I reached there quite early as the venue just nearby Kak Ida's place.Once there,they gave me a form to be filled up before being interview.Okay, the form was different as i need to answer several short essay question:
1 : Islam is the best way of life.Kindly explain why?
2 : List at least 3 books that related to Islam education that you read & explain.
3: .....
4: ...
Okay,we skipped on the form question.Lemme story on the climax part,Personal Interview session.
OIC : Zuriati Baharudin,its your turn.Submit form & masuk dlm bilik interview.
Me : Which room??(with nerves long face & waving 5 others candidates)
So once i entered the room, I was damn shocked to see 6 people inside the room & they were my Interviewers.Okay,I'd been interviewed by 6 people in one time & you guys just imagined how my nerves level would be??The interview session took about half hour & it was tough .Honestly,i didn't prepare much as I'm tired & busy to study on related post.I wanted the post badly as im hoping to get it freaking much.I'm leaving UIA with a slim hope that I'll not get the job.
23 August 2011
I received a call from IEF staff asking for my current address.Guess what??I wrongly fill-up home address with postcode-less,no house number & its totally incomplete. Gila kn?? Everything settle & finally she mentioned that i got the job as an Account Assistant in IEP.Alhamdulilah.Terima kasih Ya ALLAH.So that's how the story end.Fuhhhh!!!!
24 August 2011
I submitted a month notice resigned letter to Helena.I am a permanent staff in MBF but what IEF offer me totally way too better than what i had now.Thanks MBF Cards(M'sia) Sdn Bhd. Sayonara,Customer Service Department.
I'll missed my colleagues.Dilla,Siah,Awien,Farah Wahida,Joanna,Kak Shida,Ice,Farra,Nana,Kak Lina,Kak Mages,Kak Fad,Helena,Kak Wan,Kak Sal,Kak Gie,Kak Bie,Kak Mai,Kak Misah,Eliza,Kak Eifa & lot more... Aiyoooo, seriously Im gonna missed them freaking lots kot. Depa suma baek-baek ='(
I'll start my new job on 1 October 2011.
Do wish me the best of luck okay.
I'll start my new job on 1 October 2011.
Do wish me the best of luck okay.
Atiey M