Keep'on repeating: Skyscraper, Love you like a love song, Tears us apart.
Venue: Tapah, Perak.

Hello Diary,
Okay,last Thursday was full of excitement. I went to Tapah to meet CINTA. It took about an hour to get there but its okay as long as i managed to see him up front. Clock showed approximately 5.10pm at the time i arrived & fetch him there. He adored my endeavor to be there cause he tot i tell lies & talk 'rubbish' towards him. Okay,i had proved that u're wrong Manjer.
BTW,thanks for the superb 'service'. I know u're tired (ye laaa,i trus ambik u after ofis hour kot). You talked non-stop like seriously okay. Thank you for ur precious time. I appreciate every single moment when i with you. Sorry unable to stay longer. I rushed back as I promised my parents to be home early(plus the road was spooky enough & remind me to avoid driving late).
Ohh yeaaa,you look charming yesterday.I love to see you in formal outfit.Really-madly blown me away(caught my eyes on you).I sayang you ketat-ketat kay.Thank you for an awesome,fabulous,great, spectacular, superb, intense Thursday.THANK YOU MANJER .Thank you for the every single joys you'd bring in me.Its price-less =)
Thanks accompany me half-way till Tapah PLUS highway.
You're the best BF i ever had okay.
Sweet 6 Years & 6 Months Manjer.
Atiey M