Mood: Keje,keje,keje.
OMG,I'm so boring at office.Bored till falling asleep.Superb sleepy. I am all alone in this dull room.Kak Siti wasn't around since yesterday.Got no buddy to accompany me talk 'rubbish'.Maybe I just need a pillow to complete my 'daydream'.HAHAHA.Usah mengada Atiey.It's only 11 am.You need to go thru for another 6 hours b4 heading back home.Sigh!!!
Hurmm,printer still not working.I called ITD to come & fix this stupid thiggy. Remind them to remark it as an urgent. I mean SUPERB URGENT!!!!.Hopefully they can send sum1 to settle down this probs.I'm sick facing this day by day.I am sooooo stress up.Lotso accrued work to be done.Pending payment.Delay everything.
Stress, stress,stress.Just kidding!!!HEHEHE. No la,it just a DRAMA to make it sound more dramatically.The fact is,I'm so happy here surrounding with nice people around.How come I boleh stress lama-lama.They'll come over my room & chilled me up esp Kak Nita.Thank you colleagues.HAHAHA.Sorry for being out of topic.Ampun ye kawan-kawan =)
Well,I bring SOTO this morning.It was my 1st attempt in making SOTO.Alhamdullilah,they lovin' it.I did capture few photos.Failed to upload.Maybe I'll try it later.
Okay laaaa.Gonna c'nue working.I'll be back soon.With few images(hopefully).Byebye =)
Atiey M