Eg:Picture di bawah sekadar hiasan,an example.
I bukan tak nak approved.
Tapi tak kenal la sayangg. Short ice-breaking please?

Assalamualaikum buddies,
Ahhaaa,memandangkan sesangat free, so today I'm gonna share on Friend Request. Firstly, I apologise if this entry kinda sensitive,slightly heartaches, sarcastic or so what ever laaa.
I tak sombong but as I mention earlier I'll only approve people that I might familiar with, not strangers nor stalkers or even cartoons. Heeee, feel free to add me but please attach with short msg or otherwise I'll just ignore your request. I'm not asking much,its enough by giving me simple hello-ice-breaking. Sorry for being damn fussy friends. I love making friends meanwhile I don't want to keep envy people in my friend list. I used to have it before but I'd removed those unattractive buddies whom detected as stalkers to others person. FB's spring cleaning done-need to scanning more often,InsyaAllah. On top of that, thank you for treating me just like an artist even-tho I am not as popular as them do.
'You made my heart beats fast,colours & promises'
- Silap lyric pulak.Please focus on bold wording only.
Maybe,I might look friendly but do bare in mind please don't ever-ever try to act beyond the limit,cross the line. I got my patience,do respect it as a human being. Bukan haiwan kot sampai tak tau pk,kan,kan? I won't mind 'disposed' people which I felt not worth to be friend with. Haters are everywhere. Stalkers keep on stalking hard get new stories to canang-canang, gosip-gosip. I lagi suka orang ambik tahu pasal hal luar dlm kain I. Btw, I dah bertunang tau. Latest gossip tuuu. Sadly I didn't share much related picture here. Mostly I uploaded in FB E-day album. Private & confidential. Tolong bergossip byk-byk lagi tentang I tau. Orang buat pahala, awak kumpul dosa =)
That's why I never-ever thinking of private-ing 'Atiey's Diary' cause I know by doing that'll causing envies people gone mad-insane, instant high fever, heartaches, dying, sudden death & macam-macam laaaa. Ahhaaaaa,dah agak dah I akan ckp out of topic. Tapi mintak maaf cause this is just like the other random post. Heyyyy, tolong jgn bunuh diri dulu cause this post wasn't specific dedicate to anybody not you, nor he or her. I know I talk craps & it seems like to much for others to accept it as a FACT. Sorry on behalf of me,myself & I. Chill laaa,peace. Tata.
Drpd suka menyibuk psl org,lebih baik you try to improve yourself
- from loser to a better person.Don't chu??
Atiey M