Listening to: Gym Class Heroes ft Neon Hitch : Ass back home.
Emotional post entry ever,errrrr .
I saw oldish t-shirt of mine in closet. It is a green long sleeve t-shirt with simple design on chest part. I missed the time when I wore it without thinking of others taught. I really,really missed those moment when I am skinny. Average 45 kilos but now, no comment. Apparently I really need to loss weight at least 6 kilos before my wedding day. Takot wehh!! In between kg's pon dah mcm gila nak kurus. Alhamdullilah, still managed to get fit, beauty & healthy like always do. Heeeeee =)
But now,Its been aged since the last time I meet her. She said that I look a bit chubby. Chubby? I feel frustrated. I hate when people start to compare me from head to toe, from skinny to slightly chubby (they claimed). Please dun compared me with my aged ago looks. Dunchu know its really hurt when you realise your're no longer in S or M size?? Sooooo saaaaaaaad. Huuuuu ='(

Old picture of mine in 2009.
Heyyy, am I look ugly when I put some weight?? Diff people with diff judgement, diff observations, diff comments. Some said, Atiey nmpk comel bila chubby (jaga hati). Some said I better get rid few kilos (straight forward). Some said no diff at all (confused kejap). I tried several weight loss tips but endup with hopeless mindset:
- I'm not gonna loss my weight
- There's no ways to get my skinny look back.
- It's option-less.
- I'm tired. White flag.
Its been a rather mixed-up emotion when I saw my self in mirror. I instantly hate me. So I set my new target by keep continuously reminding myself to control my ' beast eating habit'. I tak bela hantu,but I belief ada hantu dalam perut I ni. Heeeee =)
I am listing up my resolutions for this year,updating what needs to be update. Hello,tunggu sat, I'm not gonna list down all resolutions here,but but I just wanna share on the 4th New Year resolution which Im dying to make it real soon. Insyaallah, amin.
2012's Resolutions
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- Kurus.
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Ahha, finally its comes to end of post. So relief,refreshing. This moment I feel like just having a Dunhill cigarette,lying on sofa doing nothing,just smoking. Kidding!!! Smoking is not good for your health. Cakap TAK NAK kpd Rokok. Amboi,berkempen pulak dah padahal Manjer merokok kot.No comment. Till then. Tata. Assalamualaikum =)
Atiey M