Currently in office. Freezing cold kot. Chatting on FB talking bout Britney. She's missing last night but we'd found her few minutes later. Thank you Allah. Alhamdullilah.

Omg, he's coming, he's coming. Stop talking craps dear friend. Dunchu noticed my face expression? I am not sooo interested with your lame stories. I'm tired doing poker face every-time you pass by here. Nobody loves you my friend. None.
'Kenapa ko dah xsenyum kt aku,tau la tengah darah manis. Sombong sekarang. Bla bla bla bla.'
Hello,I dun get the chemistry between 'Darah Manis & Sombong' that u told me just now. I just tired facing insane people like you. Please laaa. You're way too annoying man. Astaga,termarah pulak pepagi ni. Sorry =)

Heyyyy, btw I saw my lil bro's tag picture. Scary oowwhh. I dun ever dream to be like him. NEVER EVER!! Facing & dealing with death body. Surrounding with sick people. Creepy working place. Nasib baik I tak kerja dlm Hospital. Kalau tak boleh gilaaaa. Haaaa =p
Atiey M