Listening to: Katy Perry- Simple.

Flashback: Disember 2004- March 2005.
Location: Kem PLKN Segari,Lumut Perak.
Dear Tunang,
Do u still remember d 1st time we met? I just can't stop laughing (till present) every time I'm thinking of it. It feel like yesterday but we'd make it to the end. I'm proud of myself!!!3 months babe. I survived for 3 months okay. Ahhhhaaaaaaaa!!
Padahal sebelum kejadian:
A young teenage girl cried hard after knowing that she'd listed to join PLKN. And she refused to go as it was her 1st time apart from her parents. Yes,that's me. The girl yg menangis mcm org gila tak nak pegi punya pasal (ashamed) .
Short-cut please!!! Okay laaa,1st time I saw you my heart grumble. Ya Allah,u tgk I mcm I ni ape je. Please admit it Manjer. Frankly I feel like punching your face kot at the moment I saw u keep on starring at me. Then we'd been placed in the same group,Kasturi (yellow). Maybe tu la sbb org ckp jodoh kan Manjer?
You're everywhere. I've to face you everyday in 3 months period. Every single time of our training & classes. You keep ur eyes on me but I keep my distance away from you. Everybody knows that I hated boys and the most is you. Manjer,dunchu ever feel tired?You kirim salam I reject depan-depan you. You tolong I tapi I balas jahat dekat you. I know it's hard for you to get close as I'll give 1000 excuses to avoid myself from you. But now things had totally changed. 200 % changed like seriously okay.
It's like a KARMA. What goes around,comes around. Things never be the same. I am so in love with you Manjer. No words can describe how im'ma into you. Thank you for gving me chances to know you deeper. And I feel the love even more since we engaged. Your care & patience keep our love grow stronger,deeper. Like I said before,I sayang you more than you know. Nothing can't tear us apart except death.
Dear Tunang,
Thank you for choosing me to be apart of you. I promised I'll continuously makes you happy. And I hope our love would'nt fade away. Ya Allah,please bless our relationship. Guide us for a better way to be closed to you Ya Allah. Ya Allah,Kau peliharalah akhlak kami. Kau tunjukkanlah kami jalan yg diredhai olehmu. Amin ya rabbal alamin.
Dear Tunang,
I am longing to be your makmum during Solat. Be my Imam dear. Insyaallah if Allah willing us soon. Amin.
Sorry ayat I tunggang-langgang.
I nak cepat-cepat tgk AJL ni.
Go go go go Faizal Tahir!!!!!!!
Atiey M