Dear Diary,
Sorry for neglecting you quite sum times. You noe I've been busy since last December & c'nue till this month like seriously okay. Closing account. Sumpah hectic chaos !! No kidding this time. Sometimes I just wish I can spend more time. Meaning that : more quality hours with beloved once ( family,tunang & friend).
People keep on asking where I've been? Esp friends. Lost contact, unreachable, MIA. Sorry friends, sorry for being MIA all over again. Disappear news-less & sum of them call me 'Chipsmore'. Kejap ada kejap takda. Heeeee~ Besides, I've switch to Digi more often. Maxis??? Not regularly on & mostly not at all. Please reach me @ Digi okay. Confirm I'll be available 24/7 except for 'tido time' laaa. Call satus kali pon I xkan angkat. Ahhhaaaaa!!! Kalo xde num I, u can pm me on fb =)
I'm quite free today even-tho banyak kerja mcm gilaaa. Sumpah gila banyak. Waaaaaa!!! And hey,for those that I been buzz-ing & IM-ing just now,thank you for replying me dear. I promise,I'll tried to spend more time with u guys onwards. Insyaallah. Promise!! Promise (cross finger).
Btw,February is just around d corner. Got few invitations on wedding & E-day. Congratulation in advance buddies. Kalo Atiey free & xde ape2 Atiey attend event korg kay. Gonna make a list ni. Kang terlupa pulak. Awak tu dah la kuat makan semut Atiey. Heeeeheeee!!

For those who's getting marry :
'Happy married life to you guys & wishing you all d wealth & prosperity throughout your life. Don't fight!!!
For those who's getting engage:
'Wishing you d best of life today & in d days to come. Welcome to d club babe'.
Okay laaa,off to bank. till then. Tata guys. Muahmuahmuah!!!!
Farah Adila, Faizal, Shrek, Ayu.
Atiey M