Listening to: Drive by- Train.
Well,I am back for this quick & simple fast update. Feel a bit sleepy, so I urge myself to type another post for today. Hey, its getting freaking cold here. I had my lunch just now & apparently I need pillow like seriously okay. Can't barely stand anymore. NGANTOK GILA WEY!!!
Talking bout office stuff, currently I'm working on 2 big event budgets: Mega Carnival 2012 & Retreat 2012. These two stuff really drive me CRAZY!!! We'd our 3rd meeting few days back which burden me with lot so thing to be thinking of. Never imagine it will be this tuff to prepare a single budget. I need to compile every single info, cost, numbers & liaise with person in charge before list it in summary.

After a while ,somehow I found it exciting, fun new experiences that I gained here.
Auchhhh, payahnya, peningnya, gilanya tapi best!!!
As an extra, I need to assist En Noh on promotion part. It's sound busy enough kan? Tapi tak pe laaa. I rather been busy than doing nothing. At least I gained valuable knowledge in managing accounts.
Ohhh, btw I got another gud news. It's been a while since the last time I extremely searching for an English class . It's just for my self interest which I really, madly, deeply want to improve my speaking skills. I asked 1 of my colleagues:
'Tau tak mana-mana class English area Gombak ni?'
And luckily she offered me English course & d best part is :fully sponsored by IEF. Yeaaaaayyyy!!! Yeaaaaayyyy!!! Yeaaaaayyyy!!! Yeaaaaayyyy!!!
Happy gila kot & my class will be start soon. Duration will approximately take bout 3 month ++, every Saturday from 9 am- 1pm. Sadly, I can't rush back Perak on Friday as I always did in previous. Tak pe laa, nak pandai kena la scarifies certain things & time kan, kan, kan?
Okay laaa,gotta go now. 'When I make a start then I didn't noe how to stop'.
Till then. Tata sayangs. Muah,muah,muah,muah!!!
Sorry for any inconvenience .
Ayat tunggang-langgang like I always do.
Sorry & please 'Stay tuned'!!!
Atiey M