(Old picture of us. Teenagers time )
It's been quite sum time since my last post isn't it? Sorry guys,kinda slightly busy recently. Work loaded. People may see Im'ma seem like free & easy but seriously I'm not. Mega Carnival is just around the corner. Gila takut kot. Too many works need to be done ASAP.
Acely I'm waiting for student right naaaa. Got meeting with them to discuss on few changes in design related our Mega Carnival. Seem like workaholic enough aite? Working extra hours just to finish up everything soonest. Getting headaches oledi laaaaa. Hahahahhaha.
Okay laaa,gotta go now. They're coming. Btw,just to update a little bit bout us. Promise you just a'lil bit yeaaaa'. We're getting near to our 7th Anniversaries. Extremely excited for sure laaaa bcoz this year we'll celebrate it as an engaged couple.
Sumpah happy gilaaaaaa!! Sayang you sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat Manjer. Thank you for everything. Can't hardly wait for our biggest day ever. Bubbye!!
I tak tau kenapa tapi I sangat-sangat happy Sabtu lepas. Rasanya dah lama kita tak spend time mcm tu sbb both getting busier each day. Thanks Manjer =)
Atiey M