Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Awak, Salam Maal Hijrah 1434 =)

Hello dearies,
Assalamualaikum ,
Salam Tahun Baru Islam 1434H,

November? Time flyby superb fast kan? Facing Nov & soon December coming.
Alhamdullilah,still able to co with job & life as weekend housewife. It's really-really-really-really tough when you've to trust yourself,be patient,self motivating & being independent at most of the time.
People always said simple thing,advise bla,bla,bla,bla & act like it was simple but I't wasn't like you all thought it would be. Hanya Allah noes everything. And I'm rely 100% on HIM rather then listen to others. Please pray for me,us okay?
But, a thing for sure, I AM MADLY HAPPY & BLESS TO HAVE YOU AS MY HUSBAND TAU*cross finger. Credit to beloved husband, Azman Muhammad Nor yg awesome lagi hebat,handsome,manja & tuff. Happy 5th monthsaries dear. Harap you akan syg I sampai akhirat & I seriusly happy dpt husband yg baik mcm you plus extremely caring & sweet gitu.Weehuuu!!

Talking bout work,currently hectic,chased payment,prepare disbursement for coming December,workaholic tahap gaban & try to settle everything ASAP.Pardon me,did I just mention ASAP?Ahha,ASAP la sgt kan Atiey. If you see me updating FB like 24/7 nonstop,it's mean that I'm in STRESS,for real kot!!Ya Allah,pening kepala tak payah nak cakap la. When you deal in accounting thingy, you'll face & can feel the year end AZAB like seriously okay & the feel mestilaaa totally diff dari YEAR END SALE,aite? No kidding guys,but if we change our prospective  to a positive ways, it'll be superb fun ,enjoyable & bonus: can gain valuable knowledge bcs only tough people able to deal with it. So,please be 'a positive thinker' Atiey!!!!Cheewaaahhh,perasan kejap!!

Acely I'm having bad headaches since early morning,yet still unable to get rid of it. Rimas kot. Work loaded,table getting messy-messier-messiest each day. And today, I dun feel like doin anything. Boleh tak? Can laaaa,hihihihihi. Just kidding. Tak berkat if kita kerja curi-curi tulang ni. Not good & please dun start practicing it during work time tau.

Ahha,yesterday was damn awesome tau. Before I start,Happy Deepavali for all Indian & buddies.I met exuitm bff semalam. Memang best gila sembang-sembang sambil mkn laksa & minum air teh o ais. Gila leisure kot =) We had so much fun,chit-chat,shopping. Hope I can spend more time with them next time, Insyaallah. Sapa ckp dah kawin xboleh keluar hangout dgn kwn-kwn lagi? No such thing la,as for us. We practicing high level of trust to each others so that i't won't cause any problem if one of us go out hangout or going out without telling or so what-ever,bla-bla-bla-bla. Seriously,life after marry would be much happier if we keep tolerate & faith toward our spouse. Insyaallah,bahagia sampai hujung usia,Syurga. Ameeen!!

Okay laaa, headache getting better.Gtg now dearies. Please dun be sad bcs Insyaallah I'll be back again if I got the strength to type more often here. Btw,I'll be on leave this Friday & going back Perak with parents & sibs right after this.Doakan kami selamat sampai tau.Till then. Tata tata tata all.


Happy holiday, Salam Maal Hijrah all !!! 
So jom, let's us recite doa Akhir Tahun & Awal Tahun together jom!!

Doa Akhir Tahun

  • Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Dengan izin Allah, sesiapa yang membaca doa ini akan mendapat Perlindungan Allah SWT dari fitnah dan tipu daya syaitan serta mendapat setahun keampunan dosa yang lalu. 

Doa Awal Tahun 

  • Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam 1 Muharram 1433 (Hari Sabtu malam Ahad). Barangsiapa membaca doa ini sebanyak 3 kali selepas solat rowatib ba’diyyah Maghrib pada malam tanggal 1 Muharram, Allah akan memerintahkan 2 malaikat untuk melindunginya daripada fitnah dan tipu daya syaitan selama setahun yang mendatang.

Much Love,
Atiey M