Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ya Allah,Save GAZA ='(

Assalamualaikum people,

When I wake up every morning, I am overwhelmed by a grateful sense at how blessed I am to live in such a stable, peaceful place. The only “unrest” I experience perhaps, by far, when people start to cut queue,but it's only last for seconds then get 'the peace back'.

Yet reading about the atrocities happening elsewhere in the world saddens me. And it makes me even sad to know that I am powerless to do anything about it. Day after day I read about all these killings and murder and terror attacks done onto our fellow mankind. And it saddens me to know that men, our fellow men, are capable of such horrid, gruel-ling deeds.

This just has to stop because it is wrong on all levels. Innocent people are dying, fallen victims of the Israeli air raids. Children bleed every day. They grow up to never know anything beyond war and fighting. That is not what they should grow up on. Man killing man, decades-long fighting that tras end beyond spatial conquest. This is about the pride if man. Greed, if I may call it.

Last Monday people keep on talking bout free give away McD burger. Hello,we don't want free burger. All we want is 'FREE GAZA'.

Btw,just wanna share on a photo I saw in FB. Damn ashamed to see 'our people',sanggup line pjg jela utk dptkan free burger ni. Pity them!!Mana awak,awak,awak letak mentality awak semua? Use your common sense people. Ni semua taktik depa utk kelabukan mata kita-kita semua.For those who doesn't know what McD contribute,please open your eye widely right after this.'McD penyumbang terbesar Israel untuk membeli senjata api'. So tak payah nk bangga sgt 'check-in,check in,drive thru-ing McD okay.For those yg xtau,you're all forgiven,but for those yg mmg tau this fact,please stop buying,eating McD bcs it seem like you guys supporting them to kill more innocents life's in Palestine,Gaza.Don't just sharing,but TAKE ACTION!!

Please let the killings in Gaza stop. I hope politicians all around take concrete action. Save GAZA, support PALESTINE, condemn ISRAEL.

Guys,we don't have weapon,and power to stop it,but a thing for sure we have ALLAH,and the powerfull of doa,pray,surrah Yassin, sembahyang hajat,that is more than enough guys. Please pray for GAZA. Help our muslims people. Pity them ='(

Okay,I noe I type to much. lastly,please boicot what can we boicot here. Free GAZA ya Allah. Let them rest in peace. Insyaallah ='(


For Shahid brothers,sisters,children, Allah dah janjikan Syurga buat anda-anda semua. 
Al- Fatihah ='(

Much Love,