Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Miko =(

Noon people,

Dah makan ke?I'm having my b'fast on 11am,so I skipped my lunch. Currently do closing for IEF MFRC budget. Damn headaches okay. Just keep on wondering why wasn't tally?? Please help me guys. My head is about to explode like seriously okay.

Lapar la pulak. Kinda boring actually as my colleagues attend training for 2 days. Btw,Manjer send me an email of sumthin instantly making me excited. But,but,but,cannot be share here ,AGAIN!! Sorry tau. Thanks Manjer. I happy sgt-sgt-sgt-. Mucho gracias!!!!

Added,we lost MIKO last week. He was a well trained cat,cute,adorable, cuddle-able. Ya Allah,I miss him lot!! The story begin........

24 May 2012
  • Received call from Nana approximately 8pm. She requested me to be home asap as Miko getting weaker. I was so shocked cause I tot Nana just making prank on me. I ignored her call & c'nue eating,gelak-gelak,chatting.
  • While odw back,received another missed call from Nana. I called her to make sure everything okay,but Miko totally collapse. He refused to eat. His body getting thin & energy-less. It was sad to see him suffer & harder to breath.
25 May 2012
  • Time checked,12 am. Miko getting weaker,weakest. The night was gloomy & quite. Miko can't bare anymore. Everybody we're crying. Miko struggling to live. His breath getting faster & deeper.
  • We noe we'll lost him that night. everybody try to stay awake to assure Miko get his medicine on time. Nana gave him antibiotic every 2 hours as advised. 
  • Time checked 3.45 am. Miko left us forever. Nana & kakak accompany him till the end. Me? Dah tertidur time to. Nana knocked on my door & convey the lost. Bad news!!! I rushed to see Miko,hugged & kiss him several times. Miko had gone!!
Last pic of Miko: Tagged by Nana.

Taken from Nana's FB. 
I bace ni dalam office menangis sampai mata bengkak.

"Mayat Miko yg sgt2 lemah,dia pergi dgn senyap nyer..nana terlelap sat je tgk2 dia dah xda,jg dia dri pukul 11pm-3.45am tanpa tido,and setiap 2jam bg dia makan ubat:(,btw Miko tc ye sygg:) "


The feeling was different when you lost your hamster compared to beloved cat.
I'll always miss you MIKO ='( . 
Added,Britney Spears (our hamster) also had gone & her babies too cause being eaten by Miko . 
Tapi kami xmarah Miko. Kami cuma cubit dia ja time tu.

Atiey M